Fort author to showcase new book at farmers market 

A Fort Atkinson-based author will be showcasing her latest young adult-market novel at the farmer’s market, according to information released by the author.

A 1996 graduate of Fort Atkinson High School, Jen Bailey will be on hand at the farmer’s market to talk about her recently release novel: “Unexpecting,” published by St. Martin’s Press.

According to the release, the novel is the author’s tenth to be offered through the publishing house.

Those interested in the author and her full body of works will find her at a booth during the farmer’s market on Saturday.

According to the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce’s website, the Fort Farmers Market is held Saturdays, between 8 a.m. and noon, through the end of October.

According to the author’s release, Unexpected “is the poignant and emotional story about found family and what it means to be a parent, and to fall in love.  Benjamin Morris, the protagonist of the story is sixteen and beginning his junior year of high school when his life is rocked to its core. His best friend Maxie is pregnant and he’s the father … and gay. Bailey’s unique look at teen pregnancy and family dynamics makes for a compelling and entertaining read.”

The book is available for purchase through “all major book retailers,” and can be found at the Dwight Foster Public Library, the release stated.

According to the release, “Bailey is a true romantic.”

The release notes that whether she is writing a book or reading one, she finds “it is better to have a happy ending.”

Additionally, the release stated, “she is a firm believer that everyone, no matter their gender, age, sexual orientation or paranormal affiliation, deserves a happy ending.”

The author writes young adult books, including paranormal and queer romance stories.

To learn more about the author, visit the website:

Jen Bailey 

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