The Friends of Lorine Niedecker group has announced that it will be holding a poetry event featuring poets published in the summer 2022 issue of “The Solitary Plover.”
According to a news release, The Solitary Plover is the newsletter of the Friends of Lorine Niedecker, which is published biannually, with winter and summer editions issued.
The event, which will be offered using the Zoom platform, will feature readings of the published poems by the poets and will be moderated by the publication’s editor Tom Montag.
The event will be held Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 6:30 p.m.
Those interested in joining the meeting may do so through the following link:
Poets whose work will be read include: Lauren Carlson, Margaret Coombs, Tyler Farrell, Donna Fleischer, Mary Fry, Ronnie Hess, Angela Hoffman, Jeffrey Leisgang, Stephen Manuel, John Martone, Tom Montag, Marilyn K. Moody, Elizabeth Harmatys Park, Jean Preston, Mary Rowin, Jeanie Tomasko, and Michael Dylan Welch.
Those interested in receiving The Plover by email are encouraged to visit the organization’s website:

Michael Clish, the host of “What’s up? with Michael Clish,” a YouTube-platform talk show produced by Fort Atkinson Online LLC, interviews Ann Engelman, president of the Friends of Lorine Neidecker nonprofit group. The full interview, during which Engleman explains the group’s history, purpose and mission, can be viewed by clicking the arrow below. The episode was originally released in December 2021.
Editor’s note, correction: Amy Lutzke, Assistant Director at the Dwight Foster Public Library, notes that the mural painted at the Fort Atkinson Middle School and seen behind Michael Clish and Friends of Lorine Niedecker President Ann Engelman was painted by Erika Koivunen of ACME Ironworks and painter Amy Zaremba, who worked to create a mural and recycled metal sculpture in the main hallway of the middle school. A reference to middle school mural painters made during the videotaped interview, presented above, is incorrect. Fort Atkinson Online regrets the error.
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