The School District of Fort Atkinson will be hosting several opportunities to engage with community members in an effort to promote transparency and two-way communication, according to a recent news release.
A first community engagement opportunity was held earlier this month, giving those who participated a chance to tour the Fort Atkinson Middle School and ask questions about the “success and challenges of the current structure,” according to the release.
Among those touring the building, the release stated, was school board candidate Robynn Selle. Selle is one of six candidates who will appear on the primary election ballot Tuesday, Feb. 15. (A story about all six candidates is here:
“I appreciate the district conducting the middle school tour for the community to really get to know the building. I have been to the middle school many times but never looked at it in terms of how the building has infrastructure and learning environment challenges. It was an open forum that encouraged asking questions and dialogue. Great job to the district for creating opportunities for the community to get involved,” Selle was quoted as saying about the tour within the release.
“The tour highlighted the dedication and hard work of the buildings and grounds staff over the years who have worked hard to keep the building in functional condition,” the release stated.
“The district works hard to maintain and improve the buildings the community has entrusted to us,” School District of Fort Atkinson Superintendent Rob Abbott was quoted as saying in the release.
Also quoted within the release was community member Luke Bocher, who reportedly said: “I hadn’t been in that building for many, many years. It was very helpful for me to see the building and to hear the reasons for the proposed referendum. I would encourage folks to take a tour to get a better understanding of need for the proposed changes.”
According to the release, a video recording of the tour will be available on the school district’s website within the next few weeks. Additionally, the recording will be shared on social media and with the Daily Union and Fort Atkinson Online.
The release continued: Community engagement sessions are part of the next step of the engagement process following a community-wide survey that was completed in November, and two virtual focus groups that were completed in January. The district hopes that community members will participate in these opportunities and learn more about the process until this point. Information can be found on the school district’s website at
Those with questions or looking for additional information are encouraged to contact the district by email: or by phone: 920-563-7851.
According to the release, Future Q&A community engagement opportunities include:
“Discussions and Dine-In,” to be held Thursday, Feb. 24 at Good 2 Go, 96 S. Main St., from 6 to 8 p.m, and Thursday, March 31, at Fort 88 Smokehouse, 855 Lexington Blvd, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
A tour of the middle school, 310 South 4th Street East, will be offered Saturday, March 12, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
A “Coffee and Conversation” engagement opportunity will be held Saturday, April 9, at Beauty & the Bean, 207 Milwaukee Ave. E., from 8 to 10 a.m.
Those interested in attending community engagement sessions are asked to reserve a space using this link: or by phone: 920-563-7851. The reservations will help the district with planning and making sure enough printed materials are supplied at each session, the release noted.
A story outlining the district’s phased plan for facility improvements is here:
A story about responses to a recent school survey regarding district needs is here:

Three photos above: Community members tour the Fort Atkinson Middle School earlier this month as part of an ongoing series of community engagement sessions that are being offered by the school district. Opportunities to learn more about the district’s phased facility improvement plans and engage in two-way conversation are being offered in February, March and April. Contributed photos.
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