Whitewater: Optimists seek mittens, hats, scarves for annual ‘Mitten Tree’

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and Community Optimist Club has announced that it will once again be hosting its annual “Mitten Tree.” 

Those interested in donating items for the tree are encouraged to bring them to one of two area collection sites: First Citizen’s State Bank, 207 W. Main St., and Fort Community Credit Union, 203 E. Milwaukee St. Both locations are in Whitewater. Donations will be received in each organization’s lobby. 

Hours of operation can be found on each organization’s website. First Citizens State Bank’s website is here: https://www.fortcommunity.com and the Fort Community Credit Union’s website is here: https://www.fortcommunity.com. 

Donations can be received at the locations through Thursday, Dec. 8, until 4 p.m., according to information released by the Optimist Club. 

This year, the club is looking to receive donations of mittens, hats, scarves, underwear and socks of all sizes, with a special emphasis placed on sizes for children, the release stated. 

Items will be distributed to those within the community in need. 

Gift cards also are valuable and useful to area agencies that purchase items to help those in need throughout the winter season, the release noted.

According to Mitten Tree co-chairs Rick and Jeanine Fassl, the project is in its 28th year. 

For more information about the Mitten Tree, contact the co-chairs by phone: 262-473-4906 or email: jnrfassl@hotmail.com. 

About the Optimists 

According to the club’s blog, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club was organized to further promote Optimist International’s focus of providing hands-on service and being a “friend of youth.” The club’s slogan is “connecting campus and community.” Members work toward combining the efforts of university staff with members of the Whitewater community, to maximize the potential to connect with area youth and have a positive influence on their development. For more information about the club and its goals, contact Dave Halbach: 262-472-5749.

Additional information about the club is also found by visiting its blog: https://blogs.uww.edu/uwwcommunityoptimist/. 

File photo/Kim McDarison. 

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